Wednesday, April 8, 2009

9. Eye Of The Needle - Ken Follett

Eye of the Needle is a spy/suspense novel set in World War II. Originally published in 1978 under the title "Storm Island", it was an almost immediate hit. According to Ken Follett's official website, it is still selling in 25 to 30 languages, with approximately 10 million copies sold.
Operation Fortitude was the code name for the Allies counterintelligence effort to disguise the location of the D-Day assault, and therefore keep troops and weaponry from being moved towards Normandy. The main focus of the operation was the creation of the First United States Army Group (FUSAG). FUSAG consisted of large, fake, fleets of ships, aircrafts...etc. built near the Pas de Calalis. From the air, this concentration of wooden ships & machinery gave the appearance of a massive military buildup and thus implied the invasion would come from the Pas de Calalis.
In Eye of the Needle, a german spy operating in the U.K. discovers the fabricated military buildup. The story follows the spy "Die Nadel" as he trys to escape to Germany with the photographic proof of the fabricated buildup, which if known to the German high-command, has the potential to expose the D-Day landing site and turn the tide of the war.
The plot races along while continually building suspense, before ending in a very satisfying, well-thought out conclusion. I loved this book. The setting and the mood of the novel was simply amazing. The background detail, while never intrusive, left me with the feeling that I was living in London during the war. Simply a great book and highly recommended!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A Reader - Month In Review - March

Total number of books read: 2
Number of pages read: 559
Books Read:
The Drawing of the Dark
Something From The Nightside
Male: 2
Female: 0
Books Purchased: None
Favorite Book:
The Drawing of the Dark
From TBR Challenge:
None this month
A hit and miss month in terms of good books. The Drawing of the Dark was great, but Something From The Nightside was a bit of a disappointment. No books purchased either...I definitely have to correct that next month!