Saturday, January 31, 2009

2. Blood Rites - Jim Butcher

The 6th book in the Harry Dresden series. I didn't like this one nearly as much as I did book #5 (Death Masks). Blood Rites has a somewhat goofy plot about vampires, the porn industry, and a new found brother. Okay, it's not exactly like reading Hemingway, but the series is funny, fast paced, and well worth picking up if you're just looking for simple fun reading.

Friday, January 30, 2009

1. Where the Trout Are All as Long as Your Leg - John Gierach

If you're a fly fisherman and you've never read John Gierach, then you're missing out on some of the finest outdoor writing available. This book, which is a small 84 pages, is another in his fine collection of stories. This time he writes about those secret fishing spots that we either all have, or all wish we had more of. His writing gives you the impression that you're sitting across from him, with a cup of coffee, and simply telling tales while maybe tying a couple of #18 parachute Adams.

An added bonus to this book is that the pages are decorated with Gyotaku fish prints. Gyotaku is a traditional form of Japanese fish printing, dating from the mid 1800s, a form of nature printing used by fishermen to record their catches. My wife and I have a couple of these that were done by one of the guides from Henry's Fork Anglers. It's an amazing art form.